Mohtasm Wiki

Team Nimbus is an independent video game development team currently developing the game Cloud Meadow. It was founded by and is currently lead by the Project Lead and Art Director, S-Purple. The team itself currently consists of 18 members, including S-Purple themself.

Specifically, the team consists of three artists, three animators, three programmers, six writers, each including their respective directors, a composer, a sound designer, and finally a project manager/game designer.

Team Members[]


LucidLemonLove is the team's Animation Director, with SNESFlint and Balmsoldier being Animators for the team


S-Purple is the Art Director and Project Lead, as well as Concept Artist and Sprite Designer, with Hoshi/Nedoiko and Impforhire/Grimmsby being Artists for the team.


Kodexkommander is the team's Programming Director, with UrsaSenior and Dwarf2500 being Programmers for the team.


F.E.Line is the team's Writing Director, with ArsonKidder, Aphrodisia, Kuroi, Sandcastles and Writer 339 all being writers for the team.


Judge Heath is the Project Manager and Game Designer, Cilantro is the Composer, and Lewd K is the Sound Designer.
